2024 Best MAA DURGA Quotes in English & Hindi – Panchami | Sasthi | Saptami | Ashtami | Navami | Bijoya Dashami

Durga Puja is Especially a Hindu celebration of the Mother Goddess and the victory of the revered warrior Goddess Durga over the evil buffalo demon Mahishasur. The festival honors the powerful female force in the Universe. Durga Puja is Mostly celebrated in West Bengal, It’s the biggest occasion of the year in Kolkata. Bengali communities in other locations across India also outside of India, celebrate as well. 

Maa Durga Quotes in English

The festival starts with huge, beautifully crafted statues of Goddess Durga is installed in homes and beautifully decorated Pandle, all over the city. At the end of the festival, the idols are paraded through the streets, accompanied by dancing and music, and then immersed in the water.

We will provide Beautiful Maa Durga Quotes in English, Subho Panchami | Subho Sasthi | Subho Saptami |Subho Maha Ashtami | Maha Navami and Subho Vijaya Dashami with images and quotes. you can share with your friends and family.

Happy Durga Puja Wishes Images 2024

Happy Durga Puja Wishes Images
Happy Durga Puja Wishes Images 2024

It’s a great time to thank Maa Durga for blessing me
with this amazing and supportive family.
May maa help us to overcome every challenge in our life.

I hope Maa Durga bless you with all the good things and
help you face all the challenges in life.
Have a great time in one of the most beautiful
festivals on the earth! Happy Durga Puja.

Enjoying this special occasion with
the family is the most amazing thing to do.
May the Goddess strengthen our family
bonding and keeps us happy.

You are so lucky to celebrate every Durga puja
with an awesome friend like me.
You should be thankful for this gift.
Wish you have a good time!


Happy Durga Pooja Wishes And Messages In Hindi
Happy Durga Pooja Wishes And Messages In Hindi

माँ दुर्गा के आशीर्वाद से आपका जीवन सुखमय हो।
इस पावन दुर्गा पूजा पे हमारी शुभकामनाएं आपके साथ है।

सारी रात माँ के गुण गायें
माँ का ही नाम जपें
माँ में ही खो जाएँ
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

दुर्गा पूजा का त्यौहार आपके जीवन में
खुशियां और समृद्धि लाएं।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

दुर्गा पूजा पर माँ दुर्गा आपकी हर मनोकामना
पूरी करे। दुर्गा पूजा की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

Happy durga pooja Images

happy durga puja hindi wishes image
happy durga puja hindi wishes image

It’s time to celebrate the greatest occasion and eat delicious foods.
I feel grateful to Maa for my family.
Wishing you a lovely Durga Puja.

May Maa Durga protect our family and
keep us safe and sound. May she remove
the obstacles from our path.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous Durga Puja.

I pray to Maa Durga for your better health and a better mind.
Thank you for always being the most understanding
and supportive one in my life!
Happy Durga puja.

It’s surprising to see that some people like you
get to celebrate every Durga puja every year.
There must have been some special blessings for you from Maa!

Maa Durga Quotes in English – दुर्गा पूजा की शुभकामनाएं

subho panchami wishes images and quotes
subho panchami wishes images and quotes

May all your cousins visit your home during this puja
and make your life hell in the coming days.
May you become bankrupt by buying a lot of fireworks for them!

Don’t miss out on the joys of Puja by reading
books and studying like a nerd.
Come outside and join the crowd.
Happy Durga Puja to my bookworm friend!

There is another world outside the walls you live in.
If you choose to come out you can see
how colorful it is right now.
Wishing you a great Durga puja!

On this auspicious occasion of Durga Puja,
I hope you will call me and arrange a meet
and greet or else sorry for your great loss!
Sending you some graceful Durga Puja wishes.

Durga Puja Wishes In Hindi | Happy Durga Puja In Hindi

दुर्गा पूजा के शुभ अवसर पर ये हिंदी 
दुर्गा पूजा के शुभ अवसर पर ये हिंदी 

कभी ना हो दुखों का सामना …
पग पग माँ दुर्गा का आशिर्वाद मिले।
दुर्गा पूजा की आपको ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं।

दूर करे भय भक्त का दुर्गा माँ का रूप,
बल और बुद्धि बढ़ाये माँ देती सुख की धूप।

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता.
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।
दुर्गा पूजा।

माँ दुर्गा भक्तो का करती विघ्न विनाश,
भक्तो की पीड़ा हरे, माँ करती कल्याण।

Happy Durga Puja in full hd Download free 2024

happy durga puja messages with images
happy durga puja messages with images

Happy Durga Puja. I wish you have the most boring time
in this puja if you don’t call me to hang out with you!
So, call me asap!

Dedicate yourself to the rituals and prayers, not to the food.
Have a good time partying, not in eating.
Wish you all the best on this holy occasion!

I hope you will have a great time partying and
drinking in this Durga Puja.
Just remember no more mischiefs
in the middle of the nights.
Happy Durga Puja!

Hope you know that in my heart
I love you but don’t accept to not make
your life hell during this Durga Puja vacation.
I cannot wait to meet you, my friend.
Take some warm wishes from Durga Puja!

Durga Puja photo | Happy Durga Puja 2024

2024 Best MAA DURGA Quotes in English & Hindi - Panchami | Sasthi | Saptami | Ashtami | Navami | Bijoya Dashami
subho sasthi images photo wallpaper and messages

Maa Durga has already blessed me in this lifetime
by getting me associated with you!
May she bless us all with good fortune
and keep us healthy. Happy Durga Puja.

Maa Durga will be so happy to see us together this time,
just like the last time we were together.
I feel lucky to be with you in every puja!

On this graceful occasion of Durga Puja,
I pray Goddess Durga to bless you with success,
power, strength, happiness, and joy.
Wishing you a very great Durga Puja.

Forever grateful to Maa Durga for sending you into my life.
Warm wishes for this Durga Puja.
May you always progress in your life.
Wishing you a great Durga Puja!

Happy Chaitra Navratri 2024 Wishes – Durga Puja Ka Subhkamnay

Durga Puja Hindi Wishes Images
Durga Puja Hindi Wishes Images

सारा जहां है जिसकी शरण में, नमन है उस माँ के चरण में,
हम है उस माँ के चरणों की धूल,
आओ मिलकर माँ को चढ़ाएं श्रद्धा के फूल।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

हर युग में मुनि ज्ञानी देते सबको यह उपदेश,
जो माँ दुर्गा का मनन मन से करे उसके कटे कलेश।

माँ दुर्गे, माँ अंबे, माँ जगदांबे, माँ भवानी,
माँ शीतला, माँ वैष्णो, माँ चंडी, माता रानी मेरी
और आपकी मनोकामना पूरी करे।
जय माता दी। शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

सर्व मंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके।
शरण्ये त्रयम्बके गौरी नारायणी नमोस्तुते ।

Goddess durga face in happy durga puja Image Download Free

Shubh Durga Puja Wishes - Happy Durga Puja wish in English
Shubh Durga Puja Wishes – Happy Durga Puja wish in English

No more missing each other during the biggest festivals.
This year, we are going to celebrate the arrival of Maa Durga as a couple.
Wishing you all the joys in life.

Let’s be happy and welcome Maa Durga into
our house with great feasts and Garba.
May this Durga Puja and Navratri
be the best of them all.
Happy Durga Puja.

May Maa Durga bless you and help you become
a better version of yourself in the upcoming year.
Celebrate this Durga Puja with prayer and devotion,
love, and peace.

Maa Durga is coming back in our life after a year;
wish you treat her the best as she deserves and
she blesses you with all her blessing in return.
May you be happy and healthy.

Joy Maa Durga in Bengali – Maa Durga Quotes in English

2024 Best MAA DURGA Quotes in English & Hindi - Panchami | Sasthi | Saptami | Ashtami | Navami | Bijoya Dashami
subho saptami images quotes and sms

Every Durga Puja has become more enjoyable since
you have entered my life.
I will pray to Maa to keep you forever mine.
Wishing you a happy Durga puja!

May Maa Durga give you the courage to fight all evils.
Happy Durga Puja 2024

Wishing color, bliss, and
beauty to you this Durga Puja
Stay blessed!!

May Maa Durga protects our family from the evil
and empowers us with the light of knowledge and truth!
Happy Durga Puja

नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं फोटो डाउनलोड 2024

Durga Puja hindi Hardik Shubhechha | नवरात्रि Mata Rani स्टेटस
Durga Puja hindi Hardik Shubhechha | नवरात्रि Mata Rani स्टेटस

आए है आपकी चौखट पे माता इस आस से की हमेशा
आपका हाथ हमारे सर पे हो ताकि कोई कष्ट या दुःख हमें न सताए।
जय माता की। शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

माँ का पर्व आया, खुशियां हज़ारों लाया।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

शेरों वाली मैया के दरबार में दुःख -दर्द मिटाये जाते हैं ,
जो भी दर पर आते है .. शरण में लिए जाते हैं।
जय माता दी। शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

इस दुर्गा पूजा पर माँ दुर्गा आपको शांति,
सम्पति और शक्ति दे। दुर्गा पूजा की शुभकामनाएं।

Maa Durga HD Images in English

Shubh Durga Puja Means Happy Durja Puja Status, SMS
Shubh Durga Puja Means Happy Durja Puja Status, SMS

May Maa bless you with all the happiness in the world.
May you have the best Durga Puja ever.

Thanks for making my day great with you warm greetings.
Wishing a joyous Durga Puja to you too!

May Goddess Durga bless you with lots of prosperity,
happiness, wealth, and good fortune.
May your Durga Puja be full of joy.

Its time to welcome Maa Durga and
thank her for all the special gifts we received this year.
Let’s make this Navratri a great one to remember!

Durga Puja Pictures, Images, Photos 2024

happy durga ashtami images for whatsapp
happy durga ashtami images for whatsapp

May Maa Durga bestow
You and your family with 9 forms of blessings
Fame, Fame, Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Education, Health, Power, and Commitment.

May This Durga Puja, Light Up For You.
The Hopes of Happy Times, And Dreams
For A Year Full Of Smiles! Wish You Happy Durga Puja.

On Durga Puja, I Wish That Maa protects you
from all evils and blesses you with
Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness!

May all your wishes come true during this holy occasion.
May you and your family be protected by goddess Durga forever.
Enjoy this beautiful occasion of Navratri with your family and close ones!
Wishing you a colorful Durga Puja!

On this occasion, street stalls blossom all over Kolkata also Food is a huge part of the festival. In the evenings, the streets of Kolkata fill with huge people, who come to admire the statues of Goddess Durga, eat, and celebrate. Durga Puja festival is an extremely social and joyful event. Dance, drama, song, and cultural performances are widely held.

Maa Durga Puja – Happy Navratri Quotes Status Sms Messages in Hindi and English

Happy Navratri Wishes In Hindi with Images | शुभ नवरात्रि स्टेटस - Happy Durga Puja
Happy Navratri Wishes In Hindi with Images | शुभ नवरात्रि स्टेटस – Happy Durga Puja

देवी माँ के कदम आपके घर में आयें, आप ख़ुशी से नहायें,
परेशानियाँ आपसे आँखें चुरायें, दुर्गा पूजा की आपको ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

माँ दुर्गा आपको अपनी 9 भुजाओं से बल, बुद्धि,
ऐश्वर्या, सुख, स्वास्थ्य, शान्ति, यश,
निरभीखता, सम्पन्नता, प्रदान करें।
हैप्पी दुर्गा पूजा ।

कभी ना हो दुखों का सामना
पग पग माँ दुर्गा का आशिर्वाद मिले।
दुर्गा पूजा की आपको ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा ।

हमको था इंतजार वो घड़ी आ गई
होकर सिंह पर सवार माता रानी आ गई।
शुभ दुर्गा पूजा।

indian God durga in Happy Durga Puja Subh Navratri background

2024 Best MAA DURGA Quotes in English & Hindi - Panchami | Sasthi | Saptami | Ashtami | Navami | Bijoya Dashami
New Happy Durga Maa Puja Status, Wishes, Shayari, Quotes in Hindi 2024

May Goddess Durga fill your life with joy and happiness.
May she turn all your dreams into reality this Durga Puja.

With blessings of Maa Durga,
let’s make this time of the year memorable.

Wishing that Maa Durga gives you the courage
and strength to fight all evil forces that come your way.
Happy Durga Puja

I’m wishing that you have the most wonderful celebration of Durga Puja.
Treasure the moments and have fun with your family.
I’m sending my heartiest wishes to everyone in the family.
Happy Durga Puja

Happy Durga Puja Wishes in English Quotes with Images 2024

2024 Best MAA DURGA Quotes in English & Hindi - Panchami | Sasthi | Saptami | Ashtami | Navami | Bijoya Dashami
subho nabami image quotes and wishes

May all the Joys that Durga Puja brings be
with you today and in all your tomorrows.
Wishing you Happy Durga Puja.

May Maa Durga protects our family from the evil
and empowers us with the light of knowledge and truth!
Happy Durga Puja

May Maa Durga Shower her Choicest Blessing on you
and your family on Durga Pooja & Always

We wish you a very Happy Durga Puja!
It’s time to celebrate the victory of good over evil,
the victory of truth.

Maa Durga Puja 2024 Happy Navratri Quotes Status Sms Hindi Me

Durga puja messages wishes status images sms instragram facebook whatsapp
Durga puja messages wishes status images sms instragram facebook whatsapp

जिंदगी की हर तमन्ना हो पूरी कोई भी आरजू ना रहे अधूरी करते हे हाथ
जोड़कर माँ दुर्गा से विनती की आपकी हर मनोकामना हो पूरी हैप्पी दुर्गा पूजा

जन्म-जन्म हाथ सर पर आपका रहे जीवन में मेरे सदा सुख की धारा
बहे सुहाना प्यारा पर्व माँ का आया है हमारे लिए हजारों खुशियाँ लाया
है आप सभी को दुर्गा पूजा की शुभकामनाएं

सच्चा है माँ का दरबार मैया सब पर दया करती समान
मैया है मेरी शेरोंवाली शान है माँ की बड़ी निराली हैप्पी दुर्गा पूजा

दुर्गा पूजा के इस पवन पर्व पर दिल से ये दुआ आपके लिए
करते है माँ की कृपा से आपका जीवन सदा प्रेम और प्रगति
से सवारते रहे आप सभी को दुर्गा पूजा की शुभकामनाएं

Maa Durga Devi Latest HD Photos – Happy Durga Puja wish

Durga Puja Pictures, Images, Photos HD
Durga Puja Pictures, Images, Photos HD

Wishing that Maa Durga
Blesses you and your family with
happiness, joy, and good health.
Which lasts forever!

Let’s get together on the auspicious day of Durga Puja and
cherish the moments of togetherness.
Happy Durga Puja

The everyday sun rises to give us a message
that darkness will always be beaten by light.
Let us follow the same natural rule. Happy Durga puja.

May all your wishes come true during this holy occasion.
May you and your family be protected by the goddess Durga forever.
Enjoy this beautiful occasion of Navratri with your family and close ones!
Wishing you a colorful Durga Puja!

Maa Durga Quotes in English and Bengali 2024

subho bijoya images for whatsapp
subho bijoya images for whatsapp

Wishing you good health, happiness, prosperity success and much more
Have a joyous Durga Puja 2024

May Maa Durga illuminate your life
With countless blessings of happiness
Joy and good fortune….!!!

As the candlelight flame
Ur life may always be happy,
As the mountain high
You move without shy,
As sunshine creates morning glory
the fragrance fills years as Flory,
All darkness is far away
As light is on its way.

May the Mother Goddess turn all your dreams
Into reality this Durga Puja! Stay blessed

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